Hannibal faces Scipio beneath the walls of


Map of the Carthago 1 Battleground

This is a what if scenario. Hannibal faces Scipio beneath the walls of Carthage. The forces involved are those that could have been available had a number of historical events turned out differently. The names of the leaders
were really not historical at all. This is more about creating a scenario that was balanced but dynamic - something that would present a situation quite different from the usual two opposing lines.

Strategy guide
This scenario is best for two players rather than solo, but can be played solo. The real problem is that the AI is such a poor opponent that it gives up unit cohesion for the sake of moving all the forces into attacking
position. A bit of tweaking might have helped and I might just be willing to do that if there is the interest. Let me know your thoughts and any feedback. I will do some tweaking if there is the demand.


This scenario has the added feature of an army camp for each side containing a 'baggage train'. These high TQ but very slow moving units represent the large number of people who tagged along with an army and all the paraphenalia they carry with them. These wagons are not only easy targets but also ideal for racking up the points - protect yours from the enemy onslaught.


Carthago I - (fictional battle)

Submitted by Alejandro Orjah
